sabrina asked on

Tue May 31, 2016 12:24pm

Views: 2428

Question: 2days late,implantion bleeding, positive tests.

Ok guys I need your help I am sooo confused right now.
I have hade striaght up positive tests from 8dpo very faint and increased to darker on frer on 16dpo I was late for my period by almost 3 days.
I hade lower back twinge no cramps, swollen breasts, sore only one day and nauseated alote, craving for mayo on everything I hade odd twinge upper stomach still no cramps I feel great I started out 2 days late but pink and very light by that evening it was a lil more but it was brown thin brown very dark brown color then it turn back to not hardly bleeding I was very light still odd dark brown red color, then the next day not heavy a medium flow but deep dark red and still hints of brown in there I read on implementation bleeding I found some who hade regarding flows and all that and some who hade light flows I am confused if this is what it is.
I tested on the day of spotting positive test still and it got darker as well.

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